🚀Smart4B’s Smart Label Printing©

🚀 Smart4B is proudly introducing a brand new feature called ‘Smart Label Printing©’ to not only generate inline QR/Datamatrix/Barcode visuals from Smartsheet Data (check https://smart4b.nl/inline-qr-generator/) , but actually let you online design complete (!) labels based on your Smartsheet data and also print to your local printer.
🚀 We enable you to connect also to other data (manually as well as from other systems) so you really can customize your label in combination with data from other external systems if needed.
🚀 Select if you want to print these labels directly from Smartsheet (for example by checking a checkbox) or even a more sophisticated view where you can select which Smartsheet rows and quantity
🚀 Designing and printing online can be done via every browser, no need for local installations.
🚀 Even non-Smartsheet users can use these features: you can decide who can design / print these labels.

🚀 Based on the above we even go a huge step further to actually let you* build forms with this data, which gives the user the full experience with a preview of the predesigned label(s) before printing. Check the preview below for an example or watch the recording of one of our webinars here.

*or we can do it for you

The Cloud Designer (from €40 per month), which is the ‘click and go’ level, is already filled with a lot of features. Check it in the list below.

The next levels Cloud Essentials and Cloud Business also let’s you build interactive forms and can even automate your labelprinting capabilities. Interested? Check the basic features-list below or contact us directly for your specific needs.

Have a look at the video below for an example of how you can print your Smartsheet Data to your labels to your local printers with ease.

Use our form to get your 14 days Trial of the ‘Click and Go’ online Cloud Designer or the more sophisticated Form Builder in the higher levels.

LEVEL ➡️Cloud
(dependable of number of printers)
from €40
per month for
1 printer
from €80
per month for
2 printers
from €250
per month for
3 printers
Additional Printers€15 per month
per additional
€20 per month
per additional
€55 per month
per additional
No license keys, just login and use✔️✔️✔️
Comprehensive online label design✔️✔️✔️
Comprehensive desktop label design✔️✔️✔️
Connect to Exported Smartsheet Data✔️✔️✔️
Connect to Smartsheet via
Smartsheet’s Live Data Connector
(requires a Smartsheet Business User subscription)
Connect to Smartsheet via
Smart4B – Smart Data Connector©2
Use pictures from Smartsheet on labels
Save data back to Smartsheet✔️
Save label as picture in a Smartsheet Cell✔️
Save label as picture or PDF as attachment to Smartsheet✔️
Connect to other external Cloud Databases3✔️✔️✔️
Unlimited number of printed labels✔️✔️✔️
Unlimited Smartsheet Users✔️✔️✔️
Form Builder
(via Desktop Designer on Windows PC)
Form Execution
(via Webclient on Windows PC)
Control Center4✔️✔️
Secure cloud-based storage for your label assets✔️✔️✔️
Revision Control System5✔️
Easy collaboration with coworkers✔️✔️✔️
Label printing from the browser✔️✔️✔️
Automatic upgrades & always up to date✔️✔️✔️
Standard Support (during working hours)🛰️
Platinum Support (24/7)
Print History3 months1 year

  1. Yearly invoiced.
  2. No IT burden: Relay for Smartsheet connection to your network-environment will be hosted at Smart4B. Default connection is via 1 report/sheet. Other than the Smartsheet – Live Data Connector no need for Smartsheet Business User subscription or desktop setup. To connect to your sheet we will have to setup some manual configuration, which dependable on sheet(s)/report(s) which could mean additional costs.
  3. Connect to other cloud databases (ERP / MES / SAP / etc.). Note: with Cloud Designer only 1 connection per label allowed for an external database: either Smartsheet or other datasource.
  4. Control Center is the browser based environment to Monitor, analyze, and improve your label printing processes.
  5. Revision Control System major/minor tags: Edit all versions of your files, track changes made to your files and possibility to revert to the previous revisions.